
How Safe Is It For Bearded Dragons To Have Strawberries?

Pogona, or Bearded Dragons as they are called, is a fascinating choice for those who want to pick a lizard for a pet. These expressive and docile lizards are one the longest-living reptiles on the planet. And they can enjoy a number of fairly long and healthy lives if you pay attention to their diet. You can see various social media influencers offering their pet Pogonas with unconventional food choices for treats. Seeing them, you might wonder, “Can bearded dragon eat strawberry or similar fruits?” Here’s an attempt to find the right answer.

The Key Nutrients 

Strawberries come packed with a wide range of essential vitamins, as well as trace minerals. It is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C. This vitamin has strong antioxidant properties and is essential for repairing damaged tissues. Apart from this, strawberries are also rich in nutrients like folate, manganese, and dietary fiber.

How it helps 

You might wonder and ask yourself how bearded dragons can eat strawberries. However, many bearded dragon owners direct that the antioxidants in strawberries might help their pet control inflammation, while the dietary fiber helps with digestion. Also, the vitamin and mineral content helps with overall well-being.

What Might Go Wrong 

Despite all its nutritional value, strawberry contains some sugar, which can be harmful to Bearded Dragons. Their body has very limited capacity to utilize and process sugar. So uncontrolled sugar consumption can make them obese. This can invite further health complications. Also, given that strawberries are not a generic part of Bearded Dragons’ diet, sudden or excessive consumption can also lead to digestive issues.

Choosing the Right Way

Strawberries do have some nutritional benefits on Bearded Dragons. And if your pet likes having them, then you can offer them occasionally as a part of a treat. However, avoid feeding them to your pet on a regular basis or in bulk quantities. 

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